This article is from YouVersion 7 secrets to an awesome Marriage plan, day 9 under the title No Coasting.

The apostle Paul hits the nail on the head for us as we wrap up this nine day study. He says in Galatians 6:9, “Let us not weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” In lay terms, hang in there, never give up, and your marriage will thrive. Look at it this way.

Let’s compare marriage to a long distance race. The truth is that most of us did not prepare well for the race. We just jumped in and someone said go and we went. We did not train. We did not change our habits or behaviors. We just ran. So it is not surprising that not too far into the race some of us were ready to bail out. Others seemed to be hanging in, but they were really struggling. It comes down to this.

Everyone in the race needs hope. Hope that they can make it the distance. Hope that there are a whole lot of water stations along the route that refresh and energize them. Hope that their spouse is running side by side with them. Hope that their spouse is in it with them to the end. Hope in the truth that they are not running the race alone – God runs with them.

My prayer for you is that you have an Awesome Marriage. I often say that marriage is not rocket science. The 7 “Secrets” are not difficult. It is living them out day after day that can be difficult. I encourage you to persevere, because one day you will say it was worth it. One day as you look back you can see how far God brought you.

I wish I could tell you that Nancy and I have always had an Awesome Marriage, but I can’t. We have had some really rough times, and once were at the edge of divorce. In many ways, I am thankful that our marriage took the turns that it did, because otherwise I do not think we would have learned all that God wanted us to learn. Today our marriage is awesome. Here is your final takeaway: No matter where your marriage is today, God can make it awesome. All you have to do is turn it over to Him and walk faithfully each day in the path He sets before you. Take these 7 “Secrets” and let Him change them into steps that will build a marriage that you both will cherish and the world will look at and say, “What is their secret. They have such an awesome marriage.”� Then you can tell them all that God has done.

Prayer:  Ask God to encourage and guide you as you work with Him to turn the “secrets” into steps.

Resource: Are you ready to really LEVEL UP your marriage? Get marriage inspiration from me every week that is easy to digest and impactful to your marriage. When you sign up for Marriage Multiplier each week you’ll receive an email from me that will include 4 simple things: 1 Idea from me, 1 Marriage Challenge for you to complete that week, 1 Marriage Resource to highlight, 1 Marriage Question to strengthen your marriage. You can learn more and sign up here. Also be sure to follow Awesome Marriage on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. I would love to connect with you!

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