Valentine is in few days!

A day unofficially dedicated to celebration of love throughout the whole world, even though, we have limited this love to boyfriend and girlfriend.

Now, if you got no partner, I wish to tell you that Valentine is also for you but how you will celebrate it differs.

Here are six things to do if do you have not partner:

1. Take yourself to a nice place

Nice places like Church, restaurant, cinema, public library, spa, photo studios, zoo, orphanage, parents’ house, etc to relax and reflect on the greatness of the Lord to you.

You might even meet your future val during your outings.

2. Log out of all social media apps.

Lovey-dovey pictures from lovers will fill our social media spaces on Val’s. No doubt about that. There will be tensions here and there. Intimidations left and right 🥰🥰 . Oppression up and down. 👩‍❤️‍👩👩‍❤️‍👩

Now to avoid you saying and questioning God with, ‘God when,’ take a 48 hours break from your social media pages. One, to really relax and reflect and two, it doesn’t kill to stay off for a while.

3. Go out with your single friends

You are not the first, neither will you be the only and last person to be without a Val on Valentine. So instead of pitying yourself inside, go and party with your fellows and enjoy yourselves.

There is probability that someone may notice you in your clique for a serious relationship.

4. Exchange gifts with someone who meant something for you.

Obviously, you are not loveless without a future partner. You have many lovers – father, mother, brother, sister, friend, colleagues and me, etc. Therefore, we deserve gift from you.

Need gift suggestions, Click here

Even if you don’t have any of the aforementioned loves, God still loves you and He deserve a gift from you – a gift of you.

And what’s time is best to show love if not on the lovers’ day?

5. Pretend like it is just like every other day.

July 1st and February 14th have the same number of hours, minutes and seconds.

Nothing spectacular happens on that day, we just hype it, simply because love can be found at any day at any time.

Which means, if you don’t have anybody to call yours now, it perfectly normal and okay.

February 14 will go as it comes, so move on with your life.

6. Get yourself a partner.

Caveat, not a desperately gotten partner or that you should arrange for emergency boyfriend.

But to answer yes to that proposal that has been sitting on your table and DM since last December.

It means to ask that sister out. Maybe, yes could be the the outcome and you will have a Val for the Valentine.

7. Prepare.

I promise you 6 things but add this as bonus point.

From March 2nd, 2022 which is the beginning of 2022 Lent, I will be doing #GratitudeChallenge to highlight and praise the Almighty God.

During the 40-day period, I will be releasing 3 downloadable Ebooks namely:

  • A – Z of Content Creation ( to celebrate 3 years of blogging).
  • A Tearless Courtship.
  • Paths to Sexual purity.

Do you know what to do? Block your calendar, share to your friends and download.

Happy Val in advance. I love you.

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