According to Wikipedia, only 5% of marriage proposals are done by female.

Source: Google.

One of the reasons I so much cherished my wife is that she handled my proposal properly without any delay.

She gave her answer the same day I asked her out.

But many ladies nowadays waste marriage proposals unneccesarily through delay tactics.

Queens, let me tell you a fact; giving a man yes answer on the spot, spending a reasonable time on it or using 6 months to pray about it doesn’t define your value to a man. A man values you based on

☑️ His personal value. If he is a man that believe woman must be below him no matter her efforts, if you like play hard to get for 5 years before saying yes, he still won’t value you.
A valueless individual values nothing.

But if it is a man with high moral values, whether you ask him out by yourself, give yes answer on a spot, or took extended time to think about it, he will still value you.

☑️ Your values. Yoruba proverb says, ‘bonigba ba se pe igba re la n ba peee‘ loosely translated as ‘ the name the owner called her calabash is what we will be helping her to call it.’ You can be behaving as irresponsible and uncaring all over places and expect any reasonable man to take you serious.

Madam, please a value on yourself.

Now, that you have known that taking extended time to answer proposal is of no use, then handle proposal like these:

👉 Have a checklist of who you can’t marry. You can’t marry every man that ask you out and this also boil down to having values.

When I was single, I knew the class of people I can’t marry and trust me I met them but I didn’t trouble any one of them for relationship because marriage between us can never happen.

I knew I can’t marry non-christian. So I don’t bother to ask one out despite having all the qualities I want in my wife.

I also know I can marry from all church. We worship same God but use different beliefs.

Why will I go after a deeper life sister when I love trouser wearing lady with rims as earrings?

Why will I be toasting a JW girl who I know doesn’t believe in Trinity, transfusion of blood and many other fundamental Christian beliefs?

I know I can’t marry from other tribe. No that mine was better, infact, criminal exists in all tribes but firstly my parents will object to it and two, I don’t think I have strength for intertribal marriage. People in intertribal marriage deserve national awards.

Because of my checklist of who I can’t marry, it helps me to focus my searchlight on Yoruba Christian lady going to a trouser and makeup permissive church from any part of the country.

DEAR, yours doesn’t have to be mine but having such mental guideline will help you to determine whose proposal you can consider and who to give instant no to respectfully.

👉 If you are rejecting his proposal, please reject his rides, money, time and gifts.
The principle is, if he is not your type, his thing should not your type.

👉 If you know your answer will be a yes, please give the answer either on the spot or within few days.

My wife gave me her yes answer on the spot and I cherish her for not wasting my time.

👉 You don’t need three months to pray on a proposal ooooo.
If truly, you are a Christian with consistent relationship with God and Bible, first, you will know who deserves straight no and who is worthy of presentation to your heavenly father and I know your father won’t delay you.
A month is okay.

👉 Don’t despise any man because you reject his proposal.
You don’t have to abuse, degrade or despise any man for asking you out.

Na you no like am, there is one correct babe outside wey go lick am.

Don’t damage someone husband with your mouth.

👉 Do you accept his proposal? then say no to secret relationship.

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