‘Honour your father and mother that it may go well for you, ‘ is a biblical instruction.

Fathers’ day is a week to come and honouring fathers is a good idea, be it biological or spiritual or even fathers-in-law. They are our first examples, guardians, caretakers, correctors and husbands of our mummies. So therefore, they deserve a gift from us.

Now, let’s establish this fact; most times, your dad isn’t expecting anything from you because he can afford it but you and I owned them everything we can afford now that we are ‘working’ and when they can’t work again. Why? Because they deserve it and two, ain’t they not human being like us again? Haven’t your dad sacrifice for you? Can we now share our little with them?

Furthermore, you can get any of these for your dad:

1. Obedience. You are still his child.

2. Visitations

3. Perfumes/ Body sprays.

4. Rechargeable torchlight.

5. Ties.

6. A couple of Cufflinks.

7. Wines

8. Polo shirts/ shorts/ sewn clothes.

9. Wristwatches.

10. Shaving kits

11. Beloved club jersey.

12. Favorite Artiste’s CDs ( maybe old albums that you knew he does enjoy while you are growing up).

13. Writing materials.

14. Travel kits.

15. Finance a night out with long time buddies.

16. Recharge cards.

17. Recreations kits.

18. MP3 player.

19. Cinema outings.

20. Sponsor honeymoon that includes his wife.

These and many more befitting gifts is meriting of your dad and any other man you called dad. Recollect that most of these dads can afford those stuff comfortably but you are giving it because you love your dad.

To make it a waoh moment, plan it with your sibling and his wife.

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