Dear virgins, if virginity is all you have, you have a lot.

“If virginity is all you have to give, get out and all the bla bla bla,” they roar. Even those who are not virgin and also senseless are attacking people that did many things they can’t do.
Dear virgins, if virginity is all you have, you have a lot. The demeaning words of people against you shouldn’t move you.
First and foremost, it is not easy to be a virgin especially in a world like ours. A world where immorality is dominating. A world where the church is not even free from it.

Image source: Goggle.

For you to be a virgin, it shows you are decisive in nature. You took a firm decision and you’ve kept it. This is a decision Bible study teachers find difficult to keep. This is a decision tongue speaking champions and those attacking you can’t keep. Do you know many who cried that I should help them overcome? Do you know someone following me up when I joined a fellowship was telling me to help him escape? Do you know many of your fathers in the church and home have destroyed teens?
Many have advised you wrong, tried to entice you, to have you but you refused. That’s a very high level of decision. Keep it up. Decision is a trait that many lack and it shows you’re not only a virgin but a decisive human.

To be a virgin shows you’re disciplined – sexual control cum self-control are rare characters in our generation. Even those who condemn your stance are as free as water, drinking water from every well.
You have a higher tendency of doing exploits in life when you can control sexual desires and pressure, so, you’ve something to offer.
Don’t allow the hate from people on your stand to wait till marriage affect you.
Dear stupid counselor and influencers, if you’ve nothing to say or write, keep your mouth shut and stop expressing your ignorance.
If they have sense, they’d have known this and rather than bash them, they’d have encouraged you and asked you to tell them how you did it.
If you are able to control your zip in life, you’re able to achieve many things in life.
C. N. Ebere.

You have a higher tendency of doing exploits in life when you can control sexual desires and pressure, so, you’ve something to offer.

Written wholly by

Chima Nnaemeka Eberechukwu. Click here for link to original post

C. N. Ebere – A freelancer and sexual purity advocate.

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