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For Christian Sisters Only.

Christian sisters should be sweet yams. Yes, they should. God is the planter and that brother that used to tell you, ‘ you are my honey,’ every blessed morning is the goat and you got to help him to become a G.O.A.T.

But how? You should know that, although Farmer-Owner which is Yahweh God has brought you to you goat or you have brought you goat to your owner, you must know that you can’t be peel, toasted, roasted, touched anyhow or boiled.

You can’t. It’s not yet time.

And I want you to also know that the desire to be eaten, boiled, peel, roasted, grated or even fried is legitimate and God-given but it is not yet an appropriate time. What should be touching you is now word of God, your pillows and or a cup of tea.

Also, forget not that though the coming G.O.A.T is a Christian, he is also with a God-given instincts to boil and fry. He may speak the languages of angels but he has godly desires in him.

Furthermore, be aware that not all goats are domesticated goats. Some are mountain goats (wild one), some are wannabes (infact baby antelope looks like goat) while some are ewu gambias* and not all goats have potential to become G.O.A.T. Only the Capra hiscus can survive all weathers and you should know that you own goat many not be in your locale.

Therefore, you must help him by not seductively peel yourself, park yourself into his barn, for the habit of sleeping in his barn, touch him inappropriately (Yes, you can’t touch him too!) or arouse the goatness in him till appropriate time.

If you want to be boiled, peel, grated, roasted, touched or even turn to yam cake (òjòjò)* , tell him to come and see the yam caterers to do the required and you too should go and see goat caterers to do the neccesary.

But a potential GOAT should have self-control? Yes, of course, so a potential Y.A.M should self-control too. Not be any of your efforts, but by the grace of thy Farmer who art in heaven.

If you can do this, you will be able to Y.A.M i.e. Yes! Am Married and be able to YAHM (Yes! Am Holly Married) before thy Father-Farmer.

Stay tuned for chapter 3.

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