I made mistake number 3 and partly made 4.

The famous Bible writer said, ‘ The one who watches the wind will not sow and the one who looks at the cloud will not reap.’

The Preacher called King Solomon David also said

There is time for everything under the sun.

A time to be given birth to and a time to die.

A time to love and a time to hate.

A time to have someone who calls you daily to tell you sweet nonsense and a time when nobody even ‘flash’ you.

There is a time, a moment and a place for everything in life.

But most of us make some silly mistakes while we are waiting for our dream man or woman and these 5 seemily harmless mistakes can cause sleepless nights in marriage.

Here are the five mistakes you should never make before you marry:

1. Waiting for a romantic relationship before having a profitable relationships.

Immediately, most of us heard the word, relationship, what came to our minds, is having a boyfriend, girlfriend, fiancee or fiance but let it be known to all that romantic relationship is just one kind of relationships for us to have and that there are many types of responsible and godly relationships that should precede romatic relationship because building and fortifying those relationships will help us to have a good and happy romantic relationship. There are

a. Parents-Child relationship.

b. God-man relationship. He hates God and anything that has to with God and you think God-centered Marriage will be achievable with him?

c. Friendship

d. Sibling-sibling relationship

e. Fellowship and Discipleship

f. Employee-Employer  relationship

g. Mentoring, etc

Not having all these types of relationships before romantic relationship is setting oneself up for self-destruct.

A person who doesn’t fear God, disregard his/her parents, always have one issue to settle with his/her sibling(s), sees opposite sex as plaything and is not under any authority is a walking weapon of mass destruction in romantic relationship.

Dear readers, make sure you build all the mentioned relationships before thinking of having boy/girlfriend and date, court person with such solid foundations.

2. Not Praying About Marriage Because You think you are not ready now.

One of the biggest mistakes you could ever make maritally is preparing for battle at the battlefield, you are surely bound to be defeated. Same thing with delaying prayers about marriage – both its purposes and the partner because you think you are small in term of age or have a long way to go in other areas of human endeavors before thinking Marriage.

Nooooo! Start praying now even if it is ten years to come.

Pray for yourfuture spouse now.

Pray for your future kids now. Pray about their births, schooling, Marriage, etc. now.

Pray! Pray! My dear, pray oooooo! Don’t wait till when hormones are acting funny and pressures are mounting on you to settle down.

Prayers are deposit and they work assuredly because God still answers prayers and the prayers of the righteous work.

Pray for why, who, where and how of your Marriage.

Pray about your in-laws.

Pray about anything and for anything. Just make sure you start praying about your Marriage now even if it 15 years to come.

3. Being Romantically involved with too many opposite sex.

I made this mistake but God saved me.

In as much as it right to build right qualitative platonic relationships here and there with opposite sex but being Romantically linked with too many opposite sex may lead to confusion when it is time to marry.

Too many exes is damaging and show irresponsibility.

To many opposite sex friend is not okay. That’s my exact mistake. They thought I was dating one of them whereas I don’t even have a girl.

Consistent chatting and calling, visitation, etc to opposite sex who is not your potential spouse can create illusions.

Make friends. But be careful to strike a balance.

4. Suspending life purposes because you are waiting for Me/Miss Right.

Simply put, putting your life, purpose, dreams, aspirations, yearning on hold because you want to marry or devoting all your time, resources, energies, vibes, prayers to finding a marital partner.

Dear brothers and sisters, you don’t have to suspend life purpose because you are waiting for marriage, infact your partner should meet you in purpose fulfilling purpose.

You don’t have to devote all your time and energy to partner ultimate search , infact the right one should meet you doing other profitable and godly things with your time, talent, resources, etc.

Marriage is just a part of our lives that have impact on all parts of our lives. So don’t dare to suspend you because you want to marry.

Run that blog now. Start that business now. Write that book now. Organise that webinar now. Just do something worthwhile now.

5. Doing ‘Marriage’ before Marriage.

Apart from the fact that doing Marriage before marriage will hamper your chance of happy Christian family, it will lead you to hell.

Cohabitation, premarital sex, one night stand, prostitution, sleep overs and doing many wifely or husbandly duties often ungodly duties at ungodly hours, while single will seriously affect your chances of happy home.

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