It is becoming ever-increasingly difficult nowadays to live a sexually pure life in this sexually crazed and saturated world. A world that has sexualized everything from music to a common 100 naira soap.

Even the church of God is not spared. Nowadays, we now use barely clad ladies as ushers to welcome visitors.

Watch out for this book to celebrate the world sexual purity day.

We are being bombarded daily with sexual scenes and near-sexual scenes on our streets, social media, television, workplaces and pathetically in fellowships but the word of God still stands that we must be pure in our sexual lives before and after marriage.

First, we should know that to stay pure in this generation is possible. It is possible to marry as a virgin if you are determined to be. It is possible to remain untouched – no kissing, smoothing, no masturbation and no foreplay before the wedding if you will rely on the grace of God to hold you. Why? Because God will never lack those who are willing and ready to sacrificially serve Him in all generations.

He can’t lack Josephs who are willing to say, ‘ how can I do this thing and sin against God,’ and are ready to abandon their ‘clothes’ to flee.

He can’t lack the Joshuas who have determined to serve God even if He and his family are the only and affirmatively He won’t lack the 7000 men who have never kissed or bowed down to Baal in every generation.

Do you care to join the leagues of Josephs, Joshuas and the 7000 men, are you?

Now, how can you tread this path joyfully? One, TRUST GOD and His judgments, laws and guidelines that they are for your benefit. God did not hate you when He bade you that you should flee fornication. It was because He loves you.

You got to trust the Almighty because He as Omniscient knows far more than you know. He knows that illegal sex can reduce someone life to a mere loaf of bread. He knows that sex can be weaponised to harm. Therefore, trust that God has you completely in His heart. Oh! What a loving father!

Secondly, TRUST THE PROCESS that you won’t regret ever staying sexually pure in this corrupt world. The journey, the decision and the determination will eventually pay you.

The world may look otherwise but you won’t regret opting out of the friendship that is pressurizing you for premarital sex.

Trusting the process also signifies that you are the wise one even though the worldly system may regard you as a fool and the odd one out but remember what is highly esteemed by man is an abomination in the sight of the Lord.

The injunction will save you from avoidable heartbreaks, unwanted pregnancy, unmet expectations, shame, a litany of exes and many avoidable damages to your body, spirit and soul.

You can’t regret standing for and with God.

Thirdly, DON’T TRUST YOURSELF because the power of your arm will fail because by flesh shall no man prevail, the opportunities to sin will always be present and it was your Spirit that got born again, your body, its hormones and your soul do not follow suit.

Don’t trust yourself that you can sleep in the same room with the opposite sex and nothing will happen.

Don’t trust yourself that just because you speak in tongues, you can watch porn and nothing will happen.

Don’t really on your strength that because you are the winner of best choir member of the year, you can’t fall into the sin of immoralities.

Don’t trust that immoralities won’t hurt you because God has been using you. Remember David, Solomon and Samson.

If Judas Iscariot can fall away after performing many miracles, preached to many and received directly from Jesus, then who are you?

Lastly, remember that this battle against immoralities is a battle again imagination, thoughts and actions as preached by unsaved celebrities, wokist, cancel culturists, Bible twisters and haters that raised themselves against the knowledge of God and we all know our weapons are not carnal.

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