You know that as a Christian lady that you can marry a non-believer.

You may have meet a non-believer who is cute and caring

You may have noticed a non-Christian guy who is gorgeous and romantic

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He may even be rich and be everything you need in a man for a husband.

Still, for Christian ladies (and guys) unbelievers is never an option for marriage.

Despite, that you can’t marry all supposssed self-confessed Christian dudes because no all Israel is from truly is Isreal. To now identify a real Christian guy fitted for marriage, check out for this qualities :

1. He believes in the Lordship and Saviorship.

Christian is an individual who approve Jesus Christ as his/her Lord and reckon He was the only  the one who saves.

Believing Jesus is acknowledging His Godship. If he doesn’t believe Jesus is God and God is Jesus. He is probably a pseudo-Christian.

Receiving Jesus Christ Lordship is also accepting His humanity, i.e. Jesus was 100% human while he was on this planet Earth to execute the work of salvation and He was 100% God before coming and after accomplishing the work of redemption.

He is subjected to Bible.

Bible is the map, light, guide, treasure and compass for believers.

It is our book of dos and don’ts.

It is from it that we know the Father’s will, laws, desires and commands for every area of life.

We believe in all parts of the Bible i.e. from Genesis to Revelation for instruction, doctrine and correction unto righteousness and that not even an iota of the Holy writ was written by human inspiration but God moves men to write for Him.

I assure you, many of your life problems have been solved if youu will only but read your Bible.

And what joy is to hear your husband said, ‘What did the Bible said on this.’

He is under authority.

God did not design rudderless and disorderly world.

Everything He created was subjected to an higher authority to make sure it is working as He intended it to be.

The solar system is under the authority of the sun for their rotations and revolutions and anyone of them who thinks the ‘sun’s problem’ is too much for it, will cease to be a planet or cease to be part of solar system.

A Christian has someone who can call him to order.

Likewise, Yahweh designed that each and every Christian is under the authority of a more spiritually matured Christian for discipleship, supervision and mentoring.

A Christian has a pastor shepherding over his spiritual life.

He has someone he prays with or who prays for him.

He has someone who can advise him and correct him where necessary.

A man not subjected to any constituted authority and who thinks he can live his life in isolation is a dangerous man to marry. Such man can wreak havoc.

He has a church.

I don’t need to go to church to worship God, I have my Bible is a clear indication person hasn’t read his Bible.

Christians go to church for fellowship, spiritual growth and strengthening because it was commanded by God that we must not forsake the gathering of the saints.

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Dear ma, if he doesn’t have a particular church he identified with, take to you heels.

If he is not one of us, he doesn’t have right to marry one of us.

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