As the saying goes, ladies first, that was why I wrote about Christmas gift ideas for Nigerian Mums yesterday and following it today which is day 9 of Blogmas titled Christmas gifts for your Girlfriend.

Take note, you can also apply the suggestions to your wife, sisters, female co-workers, female friends, etc.

Now let’s start with reasons why your babe should get a gift this season

  • She has been there for you all through the year(s).
  • She is a gift of God to you and human race at large.
  • You have something to tell I love you to and that’s a huge privilege.
  • She will probably become your wife
  • And the mother of your children.

So why wait till she become wife and mother before appreciating LOML here and there, little by little?

  • and the best reason of all, she is a Christian.

Therefore, try and get any of these gifts for her during Christmas:

1. Credit Alerts ( your Nigerian girlfriend will love this 😄😃🥰💙).

2. Bags.

3. Shoes.

4. Pay for her salon appointment.

5. Clothing materials for sewing.

6. T-Shirt/Gown.

7. Data Recharge.

8. Refilling of Gas cylinder.

9. Jewelries like earrings, pendant, neck chains, etc.

10. Cream/ Body lotions.

11. Life-Enriching Books e.g., Every Woman, Confident Woman, Power of A praying Woman, etc.

12. Bible (preferably a different version to the one she currently uses.

13. Underwear and Undies (at advanced stage).

14. Sanitary Pads.

15. Perfume/Deodrant/Body Spray.

16. Online Course Payment.

17. Credit Recharge.

18. Photo Frame.

19. Skirts/ Trousers.

20. Body Spray.

21. All paid expense trip for vacation.

22. Spa session paid by you.

23. Faithfulness.

24. Meetup with her future mother-in-law.

25. Love 💙💙

I put love and faithful because I haven’t seen a girl who don’t like a lovely and faithful boyfriend.

To be candid, the list is inexhaustive. What I am aiming at is that something called gifts should come out of your pocket for the one you claimed you loved.

Thanks for your likes, comments and follows so far.

I will like to hear from your about appreciable gift for a girlfriend?

Caveat: girlfriend means fiancee.

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