Do we Christians realised that our Father knows what we need before we even open our mouths to ask Him?

Yes, He knows, He answers and ever grant me what I didn’t get to even ask Him. My brain is limited, His wisdom is limitless.

For His glory and honour, He granted many prayer points.

For some that I asked, He said that I should wait, He will do it but not now.

For some prayers, My Almight father says No and told me to forget about it because like He told Paul, He also told me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you.’

And for many more things that I don’t know and I don’t ask Him to do, He did. Why? Because He knows that doing it for me will bring glory and honour to His majestic Name.

Therefore, I am praising my heavenly Father for this.

I am praising Him for not forgetting that I am His masterpiece and He supplies all what His power and Awesomeness knows that will enrich my life physically and spiritually.

Thank you, Jesus. Thank You, Almight. I love you Lord with this song of praise:

O se Oluwa,
O se Oluwa,
Anu Re simi o po,
O se Oluwa.

Today’s task for you: Do you know that God loves you?

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