One of the things I don’t joke with as a single (with or without partner) is prayer and one of such prayer is that, God Almighty, wherever my wife is , make it difficult for her to make a future-damaging mistake.

Believe me dear, that prayer was marvelously answered because God actually prevented her from many errors as He prevented me too from future-damaging mistakes.

Why all these stories? The moral is; Your marriage can be protected, preserved, prevented and saved from destiny destroyers, home breakers, potential outlaws that may want to disguise as in-laws, side chicks, sickness and what-have-you before you even have a fiance or fiancee.

You kids can be put under the shadow of the Almighty before you even know who their father or mother will be.

You can settle your partner’s friends, work, your neighbor when married, now before you know them.

You can declare peace, joy, and righteousness into your family now and to shock you you can prevent your partner from making life shattering mistake now like I did for mine.

Here about 20 prayer points from my incoming ebook SECURING YOUR MARRIAGE BEFORE IT BEGINS (A PRAYER GUIDE):

  • Thank you Jesus for a glorious home, you will give me.
  • Thank you for my spouse and my in-laws. I glorify Your Name because we will be friends.
  • Over my children and every stage of their lives, hallowed be thy Name in Jesus Name.
  • Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in Your might Name that every potential partner that will be coming my way will be a godly man/woman
  • Mighty Jehovah, in the name of Jesus, go into every stage, period and season of my marriage and take preeminence control before my arrival.
  • I pronounce my marriage yours in Jesus Name.
  • I pronounce my partner Yours in Jesus Name.
  • I declared my children Yours in Jesus Name.
  • Every resource that I needed to be a responsible spouse, I received it in Jesus Name.
  • I prayed that my marriage will be a springboard for the spread of the Gospel.
  • Precious Father, strengthen and guard my marriage against the evil one, his schemes and systems in Jesus Name.
  • Everybody that will be connected to me through marriage will praised You for the union.

Pre-order your own copy through the scanning of the QR code below:

  • Oh Lord, let Your visits be a constant in my family
  • I proclaim peace into my marriage.
  • My spouse’s siblings will know the Lord in Jesus Name.
  • Give me/us Your Spirit of wisdom and understanding in Jesus Name.
  • I cancel every generational debts and curse in Jesus Name.
  • I demolish every evil family pattern from my marriage in Jesus Name.
  • Thank You for You shall make my family a double harvest of answered prayers in Jesus Name.
  • Thank You that everything that has to do with my marriage has been settled in Jesus Name
  • Thank You for the salvation of spouse and kids
  • All glory, honour, adoration and blessings be unto Your Precious Name in Jesus Name.

To preorder your own copy of SECURING YOUR MARRIAGE BEFORE IT BEGINS, click here

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