She was sure that he was the one, she received in her dream. In fact, she has never had a vivid dream in her life except this vision of him.

But two weeks into the said relationship with God’s Will, he is asking for sex. He was even quoting Bible to explain why they should committed premarital sex.

After some months of back and forth, he started pressurizing this godly sister, threatening to end their situationship.

Nevertheless, she came to me confused and I told her plainly, that that brother is not the marital will of God for you and for any other godly church sisters. God’s Will will display God’s character and be pro-Bible. Cefinis.

See, how some of us go about this God’s Will of a thing is surprising and pathetic, because I don’t know your supposed will of God will be after you life?

I can fathom a will of God will be doing everything God warned us against, hate what God loves and love what God hates. Such bro or sister can never be God’s Will for any of His children rather they are Willy Willy.

Additionally, in plain terms, God’s Will will not abuse you.

God’s Will won’t plunge you into bottomless pit of debt so that you can afford her expensive lifestyle.

The person God has chosen for you as a spouse will not have problem with Bible, prayer, giving and serving in this kingdom. If he does, you received wrongly

Whom God has in mind for you in marriage is never an unbeliever.

That person will not take peace of mind away from you. If s/he does, s/he is a Willy Willy.

I repeat conclusively, God’s Will is equal to godly character. Anything is not of God and He didn’t have in mind for you. Anything outside that is manipulative spirit showing you lies.

May God gives you, the understanding to know His mind in Jesus’ name.

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