Is your wife pregnant? Is this your first pregnancy? Here are ten practical tips for you as the upcoming father:

1. Understand Your Wife’s Hormonal Changes

During pregnancy, your wife’s hormones may lead to changes in her behavior and demands. It’s important to remember that these changes are due to hormonal fluctuations.

2. Connect with Her Mother.

2. Connect with Her Mother.

Just like the saying, “like mother, like daughter,” holds true in many cases. If your wife is acting differently during her pregnancy, her mother can provide valuable insights and guidance. This is also a time to seek wisdom from experienced women without being overly assertive.

3. Trust the Doctor

Once the pregnancy has been confirmed, it’s essential to follow the medical advice given by her gynecologist. Avoid any unsolicited medical advice or medications. Ensure your wife registers for prenatal care at a government-approved hospital to handle potential complications.

Ignore all well-meaning unsolicited ‘trado-medical’ advices

4. Offer Support:

Pregnancy is a life and death experience and can be challenging, so now is the time to be even closer to your wife. Communicate openly, engage in activities together, serve her, and ask her questions. Respect her wishes if she asks you to stop certain displays of affection.

5. Choose Baby Names Early

Start selecting baby names from the fifth month onwards, and finalize them by the seventh month. Having names ready in advance allows time for prayer and reflection.

Are you confused about beautiful Yoruba Names for your baby? Worry not, I got you by 500 Yoruba Names And Meanings here

6. Prepare for Possible Expenses

Set money aside for any unexpected medical expenses, especially a cesarean section. It’s always better to be prepared, and if you don’t eventually need it, the money still remains yours.

7. Pray! Pray!! And Pray!!!

Pray for your wife’s strength to carry the baby to full term, for a healthy fetus, and for a smooth delivery. Prayer can also help you both during any disagreements or challenges.

8. Read About Newborn Care

Educate yourself by reading a book on newborn care, such as “My Baby and I – A New Mom Guide.”* This can dispel myths and help you feel more confident when your baby arrives.

9. Prepare a Maternity Bag

Ensure you know where the maternity bag is, so you can quickly grab it when your wife’s water breaks.

10. Decide on who is coming for Postnatal Care (Omugwo)

Plan in advance for postnatal care, including who will provide care between the two mothers, the duration of their stay, and stick to your decision.

In conclusion, I pray for a healthy and safe pregnancy and delivery for your wife and baby. Please feel free to check the comment section for more information and resources.

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